How To Motivate Struggling Readers And Accelerate Their Progress… 100% FUN Guaranteed!
Award-Winning, Play-Based Reading Intervention Programme For EYFS And KS1
Get Your FREE Book Now!Dear dedicated teacher,
Are you worried that some children in your class aren’t making enough progress in reading? Are your reluctant readers lacking confidence and enjoyment in reading which is putting them at risk of falling behind even more? Are you pulling your hair out that some children never practise reading at home, especially the ones who need to practise the most? If the answer is yes and you want to get your children’s reading levels in line with (or even exceeding!) national expectations… then this is going to be the best thing you’ve read all year! Here’s Why…- 100% guaranteed to help below average readers in EYFS and KS1 to make progress with their reading and promote speaking and listening skills through the use of exciting stories, engaging puppets and turn-taking games… we believe in the importance of building social skills and learning through play.
- Designed by experienced Literacy specialists and compliments all synthetic phonics programmes used in schools.
- Rigorously piloted in classrooms across the country – read some of my testimonials to find out the immense impact it has made.
- We’re award-winning! In 2017, we won the SBS Business Award by BBC Dragons’ Den star, Theo Paphitis (Woohoo!)
- I’m a judge for Chris Evans and the BBC Radio 2 Breakfast team for the National 500 Words reading competition, along with other reading ambassadors like David Walliams, Dic & Dom, Paloma Faith, Susanna Reid, Julie Walters and even the Duchess of York. I love to inspire children to gain a lifelong love of reading.
- 100% guarantee that your whole class will be motivated to read more at home – if they don’t, I’ll give you all of your money back!

My name’s Hannah Angrave and I’m on a mission to make learning to read FUN for 1 million children, without creating any extra planning or stress for you!
I’ve had over 10 years of experience in the Early Years and Key Stage One education so I know first hand the challenges that teachers face when they are helping children to make progress with their reading.
At the end of 2016, government figures revealed that nearly half of children leaving primary school, particularly boys, failed to meet age related expectations in reading. Worryingly, this can have a knock on effect to their future happiness and prospects.
Reading is one of the most important skills we can teach a child as it opens up a whole world of opportunity for what they can achieve throughout school and in their adult life.
If the problem isn’t tackled head on in the Early Years, children who are below average with their reading will find it considerably harder to ‘catch up’ as they move through the school.
When I was a teacher, I always used to put something in place for the children in my class who were struggling to read, but I wasn’t a huge fan of formal intervention groups.
Here’s why…
Year after year, my TA used the same old books, magnetic letters and laminated resources with her one-to-one and small booster groups. Not only did this take a lot of time and effort to painstakingly plan, make and set up, but the children found the extra support a bit dull and boring too.
The most worrying thing about it was that the low ability readers continued to lurk at the bottom end of my assessment data and still had unread books in their book bags.
It made me realise that if children didn’t enjoy or benefit from doing stuffy, lifeless interventions that were forced upon them, I needed to come up with a more hands-on and creative approach like the rest of my outstanding classroom activities to actually make a difference.
Let’s face it, if children aren’t making good or outstanding progress with your every day phonics lessons, why would you keep using the same methods and teaching styles?
There’s a fantastic quote by Albert Einstein which says ‘Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results’.
This couldn’t be more true.
I knew that the only way to really help them was to use a completely different approach as the current whole school reading scheme, Jolly Phonics, wasn’t meeting the needs of all my children. I needed something to re-awaken their senses, change their entire perspective of reading and make it so much fun that they wanted to carry on reading at home.
I wanted to put the wow-factor into learning to read and turn even the most disengaged struggling readers into enthusiastic reading champions.
So I set to work on making my idea a reality…
That’s when Wriggly Readers was born!
I’ve created a completely play-based ‘catch up’ programme to help struggling readers in Reception and KS1. It is guaranteed to help every child in your class to finally love reading and make the progress that they deserve.
Discover Why Wriggly Readers Is The Talk Of The Classroom!
Over the past year, Wriggly Readers has been used in Reception and Year One classrooms as part of a rigorous piloting process. By implementing my tried and tested techniques, the schools have been blown away with the incredible results and the enormous impact it has had on the children’s progress and attitude towards reading.
I’ve been able to combine my in-depth knowledge of the curriculum with how children learn in the most effective way to bring out the reading superstar in every child.
My 5 golden principles are at the heart of Wriggly Readers. They are:
- We’re All Unique – Every child has a different ability, learns at different speeds and in different ways. That’s why it’s top priority to meet their individual needs so they can reach their full potential.
- Themes Work Like Dreams – At the heart of every exciting theme is a captivating story with loveable characters. I believe in the power of creating imaginary, make believe worlds to spark children’s interest in learning to read.
- Learn Through Play – Young children learn best when they’re active, playing and having fun, so learning to read should be no different. Competitive, hands-on games encourage children to read for a meaningful purpose, improving social skills and creating long lasting memories.
- Celebrate to Motivate – Reward children’s effort and hard work in order to boost their reading confidence and motivation. It’s so important to make children feel amazing about who they are and what they’ve achieved.
- Make Home Learning Fun – Children need to have lots of opportunities to consolidate what they have learnt, both in and out of school. They will make leaps of progress if they are reading on a daily basis at home in a variety of new, creative and engaging ways.
Here’s How It Works
Wriggly Readers is a done-for-you solution for teachers, like you, looking to find a simple yet powerful way to really make a difference to your children’s progress in reading.
My revolutionary system is a fun-filled, 12-week programme of Reading Adventures which will maximise the progress and enjoyment of reading for your struggling readers, yet minimise the stress and workload for YOU.
Already got a whole school synthetic phonics programme in place, such as Jolly Phonics, Read, Write, Inc or Phonics Bug?
Not a problem!
This isn’t something that will replace an existing scheme. Instead, my Reading Adventures are specifically designed to work seamlessly alongside them to provide an oomph of extra reading practise and to consolidate learning.
Formal reading systems certainly have a place in the education system, but it shouldn’t be the one and only way to learn to read. Children need variety, just like with so many other aspects of their lives. We all know how quickly children can lose interest and get bored if they are uninspired or fed up with the same old thing.
Every Child Will Be 100% Motivated And Excited To Read Because Each Reading Adventure Includes:
- A different theme each week for the children to discover so many new and exciting characters, settings and action-packed plots. Guaranteed to make every little reader in your class want to join in at the drop of a hat… Yes, even the ones who don’t usually like reading!
- A mysterious golden envelope containing an urgent rhyming letter from a loveable character in the theme. Can the children help them to complete a mission before it’s too late?
- A hand puppet to read the letter to the children. It is specifically designed to be used as a teaching prop at the beginning of the session to engage with the children, capture their imagination and promote speaking and listening skills.
- A fun phonics game in a themed, make-believe world. The hands-on, high quality resources will help children of all abilities to practise letter and word recognition, reinforce blending and segmenting and reading sentences to develop fluency and comprehension skills. There are 3 different levels to choose from, covering phase 2 – 4 letters and sounds, so you’ll be able to meet the exact needs of your child or group.
- Themed reward stickers and certificates. They will be beaming with pride from ear to ear when they show their parents at the end of the day!
The real magic for you is that all of the thinking and planning has been done for you in advance, so it’s completely stress-free! I can imagine how much you’ve got on your plate already, that’s why it comes ready made so your children can head off on their Reading Adventure straight away.
Teachers, Relax! I’ve Made It Easy For You Because You’ll Also Get:
- A handy Teacher’s Guide containing detailed step-by-step instructions. It’s so simple to use for your teaching assistants, supply teachers or trainee teachers… and you don’t have to do a single bit of planning because it’s all done for you.
- Instant access to the online member’s area, full of exciting ways to extend the story and build on Literacy skills in your classroom… There’s everything from colouring in pictures of the main characters, role play crafts to act out their own stories and physical reading games to play in the outside area.
- Photocopiable versions of the the Wriggly Readers adventures to keep them reading every night, weekend and school holiday! Now you can rest assured knowing that they are getting extra practice at home – you won’t believe your eyes when you see all the positive comments from their parents and carers in their reading diaries!
No more dull worksheets going home in book bags that get tatty and forgotten about. My irresistible home learning challenges are fun for all the family that your children will want to play again and again!
And the best part is they’ll be having so much fun, they won’t even realise they’re learning to read!
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Wriggly Readers Isn’t For Everyone. Is It Right For YOUR class?
I love nothing more than seeing my Reading Adventures being used in classrooms across the country, knowing that they’re changing children’s lives and giving them the reading skills and confidence that they deserve. So that I can help children in the best way, I want to make sure that we’re going to be a good match…
What Age Range Is Wriggly Readers For?
Each Reading Adventure is differentiated into 3 different levels to help beginner readers working in Phase 2, Phase 3 and Phase 4 phonics. You’ll easily be able to give children just the right amount of support and challenge for their ability. The games are designed to help 4 – 5 year olds in Reception, but they would also benefit Nursery children in need of a head start or older children in Years 1 and 2 in need of extra help to catch up.
Will This Work For The Children In My Class?
It’s proven that children learn best when they are engaged and enjoying what they are doing, so Wriggly Readers certainly ticks all those boxes! Our product has been successfully tried and tested in real classrooms with children as part of our rigorous piloting process, where it has been used by teaching assistants to support 1:1 and small group work in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. The results not only showed an increase in the children’s automatic letter and word recognition, but a noticeable improvement in their attitude towards reading and frequency of reading at home. I know that children at this age can have short attention spans when it comes to sitting down with a book, so I’ve made reading much more hands-on and accessible for them.
You’ll love it, your children will love it and I guarantee that Ofsted will love it too!
Sounds Amazing, How Much Does It Cost?
If you’re looking for cheapest phonics games or a reading resource that will be stored away in a cupboard and only played with a few times a year, then the Wriggly Readers programme probably isn’t for you.
We want to make sure that your struggling readers will make maximum progress, that’s why we offer a high quality, award-winning resource at a great value price that is designed to be used on a daily basis.
We’ll tell you the exact price up front – everything will be included so there won’t be any hidden charges or extras to catch you out.
Our promise to you is simple – even after the programme has been delivered, we will provide ongoing gold-level priority support because we want to be part of your school’s exciting reading journey, now and in the future.
Here’s What To Do Next…
If you’d like to find out more about our reading support programme, then contact us today to get your Wriggly Readers book. It’s completely FREE of charge and we’ll even pay for P&P!
It’s jam packed with impressive case studies, photos of the product and lots of detail about how it works and what’s included. It’s a great opportunity to see how other schools are using it as a TA intervention too.
To grab your FREE copy, You can either give us a call on 0330 043 4359 or simply fill out the online form by clicking the link below.
No obligation, no pressure, no pushy sales. We’re happy to show you the reading programme in action and let you decide for yourself if it’s right for your school.
Wriggly Readers is loved by children across the country and I can’t wait to help the children in your school too!
Hannah Angrave
Founder of Wriggly Readers